Cat Training Tricks with Everyday Objects: Unleash Your Feline's Inner Genius (Without Breaking the Bank)

Posted by Wally Jack on 27th Mar 2024

Cat Training Tricks with Everyday Objects: Unleash Your Feline's Inner Genius (Without Breaking the Bank)

Cats are endlessly entertaining companions, but did you know they can also be surprisingly trainable? While canines may get all the glory for impressive tricks, felines can learn a repertoire of behaviors that are both fun and functional. The key? Positive reinforcement and readily available household items!

Forget expensive training aids – your home is a treasure trove for stimulating your cat's mind. This guide will unveil creative training methods using everyday objects, fostering a stronger bond with your feline friend while showcasing their hidden talents.

Training Essentials:

Before we delve into specific tricks, let's gather some essentials for a successful training session:

  • High-value treats: Small, smelly treats like freeze-dried chicken or tuna will keep your cat motivated.
  • Clicker (optional): clicker helps mark the exact moment your cat performs the desired behavior, leading to faster learning.
  • Patience and positive reinforcement: Cats learn best through positive reinforcement. Reward desired behaviors with treats, praise, and petting.
  • Short sessions: Keep training sessions short and sweet (5-10 minutes) to maintain your cat's focus.
  • End on a positive note: Always finish a training session when your cat is successful to leave them wanting more.

Trick #1: The Pawsome High Five

This trick is a classic for a reason! It's easy to learn, strengthens the bond between you and your cat, and provides a cute way to greet each other.

What you'll need:

  • Sticky note
  • Treats


  1. Target Introduction: Place a sticky note on your palm, creating a target for your cat's paw. Hold your hand out, palm facing your cat.
  2. Lure and Reward: Gently nudge your cat's paw towards the sticky note with a treat. As soon as their paw touches it, click (if using) and offer the treat immediately.
  3. Shaping the Behavior: Repeat steps 1 & 2, gradually moving your hand further away or higher up, encouraging your cat to reach for the sticky note.
  4. Cue Introduction: Once your cat reliably touches the sticky note, introduce a verbal cue like "high five" just before they make contact.
  5. Fading the Target: Over time, you can gradually fade out the sticky note by replacing it with your bare palm.

Trick #2: The Treat-Finding Frenzy

Cats are natural hunters, and this trick taps into their instinctive desire to search and pounce.

What you'll need:

  • Small, opaque container (cup, Tupperware, etc.)
  • Treats


  1. Hide and Seek: Place a treat inside the chosen container. Let your cat watch you do this, then shuffle the container amongst a few others (empty or with treats).
  2. The Search Begins: Say "Find it!" and encourage your cat to sniff out the container with the treat.
  3. Reward Success: As soon as your cat nudges or paws at the correct container, lift it to reveal the treat and shower them with praise.
  4. Level Up: Once your cat masters finding the treat, increase the difficulty by adding more containers or hiding the chosen container under a towel/blanket.

Trick #3: The Box Bonanza

Cats are notoriously drawn to boxes. Turn this natural curiosity into a training opportunity!

What you'll need:

  • Cardboard box (cut a doorway if needed)
  • Treats


  1. Box Basics: Place the box on its side with the opening facing your cat. Scatter a few treats inside.
  2. Lure and Enter: Hold a treat near the opening and gently guide your cat towards the box. Click (if using) and reward them once they step inside.
  3. Shaping the Behavior: Gradually decrease the number of treats inside the box, encouraging your cat to enter for the sheer joy of it.
  4. Cue Introduction: Pair the desired behavior with a verbal cue like "go in" right before your cat enters the box.

Trick #4: The Target Touchdown

This trick builds upon the concept of target training, laying the groundwork for more advanced behaviors.

What you'll need:

  • Pipe cleaner (or similar bendy object)
  • Treats


  1. Target Creation: Bend the pipe cleaner into an L-shape, creating a flat end to touch and a long end for you to hold.
  2. Target Presentation: Hold the target near your cat's nose, moving it slightly to pique their interest. Click (if using) and reward them with a treat when they touch the flat end with their paw.
  3. Shaping the Behavior: Gradually vary the target's position, holding it above their head, to the side, or even behind them. Reward them for any attempt to touch it.
  4. Cue Introduction: Once your cat reliably touches the target, introduce a verbal cue like "touch" right before they make contact.

Trick #5: The Toilet Paper Roll Rampage

Cats love to bat at anything that moves. Channel this playful instinct into a fun trick using a recycled toilet paper roll!

What you'll need:

  • Empty toilet paper roll
  • String or yarn
  • Catnip (optional)


  1. Wandering Wonder: Tie a string or yarn securely to one end of the toilet paper roll. For added enticement, sprinkle some catnip inside the roll.
  2. The Wagging Wand: Drag the toilet paper roll across the floor, enticing your cat to chase and bat at it.
  3. Reward the Chase: When your cat successfully swats or bats at the roll, click (if using) and offer a treat.
  4. Cue Introduction: Pair the desired behavior with a cue like "chase" or "get it" as you start dragging the roll.

Trick #6: The Circle Surprise

This trick builds upon your cat's natural agility and coordination.

What you'll need:

  • Treat
  • Target (pipe cleaner from Trick #4 or finger)


  1. Target Placement: Place the target on the floor in front of your cat.
  2. Lure and Loop: Hold a treat just beyond the target, slowly circling it in front of your cat. They should naturally follow the treat with their body, turning in a circle.
  3. Click and Reward: Click (if using) and offer the treat when your cat completes a full circle.
  4. Shaping the Behavior: Gradually reduce the treat lure, relying on the target and verbal cue ("spin") to guide your cat.


  • Positive Reinforcement is Key: Punishment will only hinder the training process. Focus on rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, and petting.
  • Respect Your Cat's Limits: Some cats may lose interest quickly, while others may excel. Keep sessions short, fun, and tailored to your cat's individual needs.
  • Celebrate Every Success: No matter how small the step, acknowledge and celebrate your cat's progress.

With patience, positive reinforcement, and a dash of creativity, you can unlock a hidden world of tricks and strengthen the bond with your feline companion. So, grab those everyday objects and get ready to unleash your cat's inner genius!

Have you successfully trained your cat using any fun tricks? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! We'd love to hear about your creative training methods and the amazing things your furry friend can do. Is there a specific trick you'd like to try with your cat? Let us know in the comments and we might feature it in a future post!